How To SignUp For Rakuten
 How To SignUp For Rakuten

How To SignUp For Rakuten

Step by step guide on how to create an account on Rakuten Affiliate marketing

hello and welcome to the Rakuten in marketing affiliate network overview today we're going to go through how to get signed up how to search for advertisers how to add links to your website and how to report out on your earnings afterward to get signed up go to Rakuten marketing affiliate program you'll need to enter a few pieces of information including your name email phone number company name or your blog name your website's URL area of interest your current annual online revenue and a little bit about your website just to let Rakuten know what you're into. Once you're signed up then you're ready to get started and this is where we're going to see a big change from affiliate programs vs. affiliate networks. Rakuten is an affiliate network which means it has hundreds of different affiliate programs within it some companies choose to have their own individual affiliate program in which you have to sign up for and Rakuten marketing is really amazing because you don't have to sign up for each different company one by one you sign up once for Rakuten and then you apply for each of the different advertisers individually the application is just one click versus having to create an entire account so to be able to search for different advertisers in Rakuten you go to programs and then if you know the company's name you can search it in the advertisers search bar there or you can search for the different categories of advertisers under the categories whether your niche is in travel or health and beauty or let's say clothing or electronics you can search for them there so if you go to electronics to get started from there you're going to see all the different affiliate programs which fall under computer and electronics you're going to see the advertisers logo their name what country they're from a little bit about them you're gonna see when they joined under Rakuten they're also going to see the commission rate which is probably the most important thing for all of us and the return date the return date means that when a customer clicks your affiliate link they have this many days to make a sale so that you'll get credit for it so in this case you have 30 days if you want to apply for them already you can just hit the apply here you're going to get a pop-up box which basically says that they manually prove all applications and this is important because some companies they don't need to approve you you'll just automatically be added into their affiliate program but most companies under Rakuten do require a manual approval process so when you click agree and and click ok it submits the application to this company for them to approve it if they decide to approve you you're going to get an email which says hey you're approved and then they'll show up under your advertisers list and if they decline you you'll also get an email saying that they didn't accept you if you want to know more information about each company click on their company name this will show you a bit about the program details under advertiser info you're going to show  their website what the different categories of products that they have you're going to see the email address of the contact person their contact number and where they're located more importantly if you click under offers you're going to see the commission rates some companies have different Commission rates for different products so you may end up having lots of different lines there this company only has one Commission rate and that's six percent of each sale within 30 days if you want to go through this company as an affiliate program you can apply from there as well once you've successfully applied for different  affiliate programs and you've gotten the email that says you've been approved they'll now show under your my advertisers list to find your my advertisers list go under programs and click on my advertisers you'll see all the advertisers who have already been approved for and on the right-hand side you'll see the status if you want to start using this company's products and services on your website simply click on the company name and this time you're going to go onto the link section under the link section you're going to see the different link types that are available text and email product links banners and images and dynamic Richmond media under text and email you're going to see typically links for sales or for links to different areas of the website under product links you're going to see direct links to actual products so in Best Buy's case you're going to see all of the different products at best buy cells which here it looks like there's a hundred and seventy thousand of them you can use those exact product links when you're talking on your blog or social media site about a specific product that you're trying to advertise under banners and images you're going to find different graphic images which Best Buy has created for you which demonstrate their different products and services typically you can use the banners on your header your sidebar even within your text and at your footer of the website let's dive into one of these to show you an example I'll use banners and images as our example to see more click on the number next to the banners and images this will show you all the banners and images available under Best Buy you can see there's many different shapes and sizes available for you to fit into wherever you need it to fit on your website if you want to use one of these let's say we want to use this one simply click on the get link button on the right hand side and in the pop-up you're going to see the link code the link code is HTML code which you'll have to add to the HTML section of your website the great thing about this code is it already has your affiliate partner ad added to it which means that if a customer clicks on the image and makes a purchase you're going to get the commission the other great thing about the HTML code that's prepared for you is that you don't have to add the image to your website simply by adding this code to your website's HTML code it'll show up as the image automatically another really easy way to create affiliate links through Rakuten is by using the deep linking function to use this go on to the links tab and click on deep linking the way this works is if you're looking at an advertiser's website and you really like a product that you want to advertise on your social media site or blog simply find the URL for that product and put it in there so first let's take an example if you want to advertise but endure best buy for the Apple watch series three copy the URL for that for that watch simply add it into the URL field and select your advertiser a Best Buy and hit create link what the system will do then is create in a URL for you specific for Rakuten which includes the Rakuten link and your affiliate partner ID this can then be used to hyperlink text on your website and you can actually use it to embed it into an image so that if someone clicks the link for the text or the image they're going to get credit for that in a potential sale.

Rakuten LinkShare is one of the oldest and famous affiliates advertising and marketing providers. It became officially referred to as Rakuten Marketing. As a Rakuten affiliate, you can enroll in the pinnacle affiliate programs of numerous brands/advertisers and earn a good commission.

Rakuten LinkShare is free to be part of an affiliate network. You can follow from any a part of the world, does now no longer count whether or not you're from united states, UK Australia, India or Pakistan as it gives 3 kind offer techniques to its associates i.e Bank Transfer(Wire Transfer/Direct Deposit), PayPal & Chek. If  PayPal isn't always to be had on your u.s. you could acquire your bills once on your nearby financial institution account.                                                                                    

Rakuten Affiliate
Rakuten Programs

How to track your sales on Rakuten

now that you've learned how to create affiliate links to use on your site you can now start tracking how many people saw it and how much commission you're making to do that go under reports and click on overview this is going to show you the current month's impressions clicks and commissions the impressions show you how many people saw your affiliate links the clicks are how many people actually clicked on the affiliate links and were brought to that affiliate programs website the EPC is the earnings per click which divides the number of clicks by then by the total of the Commission so if you made $10 Commission that month and you had ten clicks your EPC would be $1 the sales is the total sales achieved through those affiliate programs and the commission is how much money you made from those sales for the purpose of this video I've used the demonstration account which doesn't have any sales currently if you did have sales and do want more information on them you can click on the reporting tab under the reporting tab you can build your own report which you can customize what columns you want to see and data you want to see or you can choose from the reports that are available I find that the gross sales and Commission report is the best one the gross sales and Commission report will break down each different advertiser individually and show you the total number of impressions clicks orders sales and commissions for each one of them when you do have information that shows available you can click on each one of those to know more information about them well that's it for today's overview of rekted marketing's Affiliate Network if you want to know more information about different affiliate networks and affiliate programs we have a lot available on our website the website is one more cup of coffee comm we'll also teach you how to build your own blogger website and start making money online today



 In this article, we have covered most of the topics how to create an account in Rakuten, what are the commission rates, how Rakuten Affiliate Marketing works, How to track your sales, but last I Prefer to say that do try it no matter how many mistakes you do but at least try it